The Customer is Always Right.... Right?​

Whose Opinion Matters Most ?

A helpful hint to my fellow business owners, entrepreneurs, and artists: the customer is always right. This is an age-old statement that has been used in business for years, but how true is it? As business owners and artists we put a lot of hard work and pour all of our heart into everything we do to produce a product that we can be proud of. It is our passion, our masterpiece, our livelihood, but if the customer is not happy what is the point?

Quote a satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all

Don't Take It Personal

It is easy to get offended and feel that the customer does not appreciate our efforts to satisfy their needs when they are not happy with the work that we have done, or the products that we produced. In our eyes, they do not understand the process, they don’t see the vision clearly and they don’t have the experience and expertise that we do, so obviously they are wrong. Right?…. Well, those observations may be true, they are not the experts but they do know what they want and what they like (even if they don’t know how to explain it). It is our job as the expert to steer the customer in the right direction, but in order to do this, we must listen and pinpoint the issue instead of focusing on pushing our products or services.

Customer Service Advice

Customer feedback is like fertilizer. If you use it properly, it will help grow your business.

Regardless of what we think, the customer is paying for what they want not just what we think they need. Unless it is an occasion where you have complete creative freedom, sticking strictly to what you think is needed without proper evaluation is a quick and easy way to loose a customer. You will not only loose a customer but, make a bad impression that will spread like wild fire. Customers don’t just move on to the next service provider, they talk about the last one. Whether the conversation will be negative or positive is up to us. Good customer service is a must!

The paying customer is the one whom we rely on to purchase our goods and services, to refer others to us and rave about what we do so that business can grow and become profitable. Compromising your ideas does not mean you have to compromise your brand or the quality of work that is done. So, instead of taking their opinions to heart or trying to explain to them why they are wrong about their opinions, take it to mind and analyze their opinion and make adjustments to satisfy their needs in a professional way. After all, holding on to your pride may get you self-gratification, but it won’t get you paid.

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