Kiwanis Club Of Conyers Website Design & Development

Non-Profit / Community Organization


Kiwanis Club of Conyers is a branch of Kiwanis Club International, “a global community of clubs, members and partners dedicated to improving the lives of children one community at a time”. The Kiwanis Club of Conyers’ signature project is the Read and Lead program, which is established to help put books in the hands of every student in Rockdale County, currently from Kindergarten to the Third Grade.

The Problem

The Kiwanis Club of Conyers had a website that was lacking the information and a professional quality design that was needed to attract new members and provide information for those who would like to learn more about the organization and their events. The current president knew the importance of promoting the club online and the advantages to having a professional quality website, and wished to modernize the club’s online presence in order to attract younger, potential members. 

Kiwanis Club of Conyers old website design

Before website redesign

The Process

I began the project with an assessment of the previous design, consultation with the club president and research on the organization. With the information that I collected, I devised a navigational scheme that would fit the needs of the club. The priority was providing information and creating another form of communication. All of the club members have jobs or own businesses and don’t have a great deal of time to do complete process by hand as they were doing in the past. This meant that it was necessary to provide an online spaced that would make processes such as receiving donations and registering new members more efficient. 

website design layout plan

The Resolution

I developed a customized and highly-interactive website that made processes such as donations and membership more efficient. The website serves as a central hub for the organization allowing those interested in learning more, a place to both receive and request information. The blog on the website allows the organization to share more information about recent events and achievements that will provide a more in-depth and visual example of the organization’s mission. I continue to work with the organization to maintain the website and incorporate additional features and functionalities needed as they grow and introduce new programs and events. 

Website Design

+ Social Media Marketing

Client Testimony

Kiwanis Conyers logo

S.Mays Designs met the club's expectations and our website and social media content has helped us to get the results we've been looking for. We have been able to gain new members online and the site has made the membership process much more efficient. It has been a pleasure working with Stephanie and S. Mays Designs.

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