Hey Look Ma We Made It!

We Made It!

It seems a bit surreal, but we have finally made it through to the last month of another year! This year along with the last has been quite a challenge for many, but the fact that we made it this far through it all, is a major blessing. I say that to say, that it is okay if you have not reached all your goals for this year or if they are not fulfilled before this year ends. You still have much to celebrate and be thankful for.

Out Of The Ashes We Rise

For many of us, there were a lot of things that were birthed during this time; new ideas, new perspectives restructured business models, and the list goes on. The desire and determination to survive during trying times pushes us to think bigger and to be more innovative. Even the Bible tells us that trials come to make us stronger. During the times where business is slow or stagnant, we have the opportunity to grow and further develop our skillset.

Stephanie Mays S. Mays Designs ceo

When business is slow, you get a time to rest and reflect on what has been accomplished and what you need to focus on. This is an important part of running a business but it is often times overlooked because we tend to constantly be on the go and on the grind. So, the slow-down is not a bad thing, it is a great opportunity to get refreshed, refocused and re-energized to start pursuing your business goals. Whatever your situation has been this year, count your blessings and be thankful for the progress you have made thus far, no matter how big or small!

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